Friday, April 29, 2011

a day of new ideas

Spent the day with Rachelle sewing and coming up with accessories for her new fall line. The light wasn't so good when I took the picture, but the colors are lemongrass, coral and wine in 100% wool. Can't wait to show you! Then I went home and spent the afternoon working on the yard with the kids. That's one of our new neighbors in the field behind our house...she had 3 other friends with her. What a glorious day!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Adventure Begins....

Actually, the adventure began in January. I've just now gotten back to blogging, thought it would be fun to blog about creating and the little adventures that go along with it. Hope you follow along...I hope to be adding new gadgets and pics as I re-learn how to do this! This is a pic of the first hat I made for the shop, it comes with pin-back crochet flowers too!